Why I use ASA Filament for my Products

Why I use ASA Filament for my Products

There is no shortage of plastic filament options available for 3D printing: PLA, ASA, ABS, PETG, Carbon Fiber, the list goes on and on. Each filament has its own properties and understanding those properties is critical to making something that will last. 

ASA is a newer filament that is based on ABS, which has been out for quite a while. ASA's thermal properties allow it to withstand higher temperatures without warping or deforming. As with any plastic, there are always limitations, but in the 3D printed space ASA is currently the go to material for outdoors applications. 

One drawback from using ASA versus PLA for example, is that the color palette is much more limited. Most of what I sell is Black and White which is a function of material availability more than anything else. I enjoy colorful vibrant products as well as the next guy, but I would rather the products I sell last a long time rather than have a flashy finish that doesn't last. 

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